One of the highlights of 2015 was to be included in this powerful show curated by Todd Tubutis. Pete Brook gets to the heart of Conflict and Consequences in his thoughtful review.
Here is an excerpt...
One of the highlights of 2015 was to be included in this powerful show curated by Todd Tubutis. Pete Brook gets to the heart of Conflict and Consequences in his thoughtful review.
Here is an excerpt...
The Houston Center for Photography supports photographers in so many ways. Their fellowships provide photographers with financial support and a platform for their work. Maggie Blanchard, director of Twin Palms Publishing in Santa Fe, was their esteemed juror this year and she awarded me an honorable mention. I am truly and deeply honored.
Zombies! Mark Murrmann at Mother Jones features Bug Out Bags
Dave Miller interviewed me on his radio program Think Out Loud on Oregon Public Broadcasting. We talked about the project and the controversy of including firearms in emergency kits. Listen to the program on their website. I am the second guest.
"You can tell a lot about a person by what he’s stuffed into his bug-out bag for the natural disaster everyone knows is coming but few want to think about."
Alyssa Coppelman from interviewed me about my Bug Out Bag project and the article came out on Monday. You can read the whole article by clicking on the image below.
I spent some time this summer talking to Blaise Mao, the Editor in Chief of the French magazine Usbek & Rica, about my portrait series Bug Out Bags and American identity for a feature in their Summer 2015 issue. Images from the feature are below and you can read Usbek & Rica online here.